martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Australia Day

Hello everyone!
LINK: Powerpoint Australia Day

In this presentation I’m going to talk about Australia and its main public holiday: Australia Day

Australia Day (previously known as Anniversary Day or Foundation Day) is the official national day of Australia.

Australia Day marks the anniversary of the day Captain Arthur Phillip first raised the British flag at Sydney Cove and commemorates the arrival of Europeans to Australia on 26 January 1788.

Australia Day is a designated public holiday and a time for Australians of all backgrounds to celebrate national unity. It is also a time to wave the flag and take an active part in the community.

What do they do? With community festivals, concerts and citizenship ceremonies, the day is celebrated in large and small communities and cities around the nation.



lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Quebec Winter Carnival (Canada)

Hello, I have put the presentation on our blog "Quebec winter carnival" in Canada. I hope you like it. Regards. Ángela

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

No class

Unfortunately, we won't have class next week because my husband is already in hospital.
Miquel, Rosa, Javier... please be in Sant Climent at 11am on Monday. They will be waiting for you for the tea party. and please give my apologies to them.
thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.